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Hollywood Lied to Us: Jaws

Duh duh... Duh duh... Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun... The score is so iconic that you would be hard pressed to find a single human being in the world who could not identify the blockbuster movie from just these two notes. Jaws, released in 1975, was more than just a Hollywood smash hit, it was (and is!) a pop culture icon that has stood the test of time. However, whilst it is a wildly entertaining film, the behaviour Jaws the shark displays in the movie is far from scientifically accurate. But which parts don't stand up to scrutiny? SharkSpeak's Sophie Maycock sat down with ABC Australia's Ann Jones to set the record straight.

The full What the Duck?! podcast - Hollywood Lied to Us: Jaws - is available from ABC Australia online.


Jaws (1975). Universal Movies, Spielberg S et al.

What the Duck: Jaws (2024). Australia Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Podcast, Jones A et al. Access online.

By Sophie A Maycock for SharkSpeak

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