Sophie Maycock Resume
My name is Sophie Maycock
& I am wildly passionate about sharks
During my studies, I realised that the communication to the public about sharks is pretty dismal... But where a lot of people only hear about sharks in the news when they injure a human, there is a whole world of fascinating scientific research being done on these incredible animals. After studying and working with sharks for almost 15 years, it is my hope that I can use my skills to translate overly complicated science, & make recent research in shark science & conservation open-access to everybody.
SharkSpeak is an entirely voluntary project. If you would like to support my work, pick up some merch in the Shop or make a voluntary donation. All proceeds will go back into keeping the website running.
Reader Reviews
"Fantastic article[s]... easy to digest & backed by peer-reviewed publications"
- Shark Guardian Charity
"Always a joy to read... Nice, appealing story lines for a wider audience as well as for specialists"
- Dr Erwin Winter, Shark Research Scientist
"Closing the communication gap [between scientists & the public]"
- Kimberley Ray, Marine Conservation Network Director
Get in Touch
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Do you have a question you would me to try to answer?
Please feel free to drop me a line...